The Voyuer VS The Tender Witness - Lili Ward

 My writing for Art Brusels Off Programme show 'Mystery Bag' curated by Johanna Gibbs

The Voyeur VS The Tender Witness 

Lili Ward

I’m training my eyes to sweep more softly from each corner of the scantily lit computer screen. There's a familiar flatness to the liquid crystal of my never returned high school laptop and I've made an acquaintance of the waning light. I am its tender witness.

Pawing at 55cN resistant keys, a healthy keyboard will live to see the sunrise of 50 million keystrokes, though only teenaged, my girly, heavy handed ways have rendered these keys drowsy. They will be lucky to sputter into their 20 millionth stroke with much lust.

Flickr.  Key Word Search:

The Melbourne Cup 2005



If I keep the search to an earnest scroll, a morning stroll through collated-subject-related images, I remain the tender witness. I am absorbing emblems at an arresting 120 bpm into my mind's eye. 

The miscellanea: 

  • Sunburnt cleavage

  • Toxically hued plastic feathers

  • Prescription sunglasses

  • Kitten heels anywhere but on feet

  • 862 empty VB cans 

  • Smile lines

  • Acrylic PVC beaded chokers

Flickr: The breadcrumb dealer, Me: the trinket-collecting crow.

Fascinated and prying. I flutter and bat my eyelashes at our parasocial kinship, hand in hand, power walking in our dearest polycotton blends, off to the races!
