Greetings from the land of my old bedroom,

I'm visiting my mum and she's taken up Kpop aerobics :) rib tickling :)

Still practicing my cyanotypes but getting more of a handle on it now, so this is collected writing from this week and cyanotype experiments from last week and this week.

Experiment #1: lace curtains, flowers, net bag. (on cotton)


                                                       Experiment #2: magnetic chain, weeds, leaves. (on paper)


Last night's sleep was cut from a slab of clay,
rounded out and heavy.
I slept like shortbread for three days before that,
waiting for the warm waves inside my tummy to break into rumbles.

I'm all brand new today, yawning and stretching, 
each extension cracking clay, dry mud falling off me.

I get up to drive down the road just to wave at you from my window in your passing car, you slowed down when you saw me so you wouldn't spatter up dust.


Speaking your red dirt language,
clasping a tartan thermos:

you sip,
then murmur red.
then gulp,
guffaw, cackle; crimson

I recognize the orange roads in the cracks of your teeth and it makes me wish the landscape lived in me like it does inside of you.
Your thought's drag racing to meet the clamour that you drop behind, away you go.

swatting flies.
ranting red.
pulling teeth.

But you've got too many air pockets, you'll explode in the kiln.
No one checked you and it's too late to say too much about it,

The taps dripping to a waltz.

The cars have slowed down once again and passed.

You slept and now you're made of clay,  
                                              unstretched, heavy.
Your first pocket;
a bubble trespassing on your left side

No pockets;
running around in a pocketless dress while I carried all your things.
the heel chewed hem of my pants,
mud spewed and kicking up dust.

                                          Experiment #3: lace curtains, flowers. (on paper)

                                   Experiment #4: lace doily, flowers. (on cotton)

                                               made up of lines :)))

                                      Experiments #5&6: net bag, flowers, lace doily. (on denim fabric)

mums kpop aerobics of choice.

ill say it again!! hope everyones okay in lockdown.
love from Lili Grace Ward


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