the last and best: more artbreeder AI; Lili Ward

 more of my AI generated imagery from artbreeder.

the moment i was upset and thought about being upset;

im not upset right now but when i think about what made me upset it was that ive got a toddler belly.

i find it pretty funny when, well not in a judgemental way at all, just in a purely observational nature, but i still found it very funny;
when someone used a game of never have i ever to confront me about something weird i did in front of them that i hoped they hadnt seen, to mask it as something they often do to make me feel better about doing the weird thing.

and lastly, im strangely and totally unreasonably insecure about the fact that im definitely not shiny enough

i want someone to decide what i eat, when and where to eat it,
i want a timer for showering, and a single match to light a single candle and my hand to turn switches for single lamps and lights and single scratches from my single nails.
to have an affection quota, to put my head on my friends lap and my feet on my friends tum and everyone else can have a finger or an elbow or a toe.
