Alternative mask options: A lesson in resourcefulness
Alternative mask options:
I find myself in hot water, I think a couple of us are swimming here, in a mask shortage.
so I'm presenting some mask alternatives.
1. fresh slice of pane di casa
2. shaving cream (adds a nice smell)
3. an unwilling feline
4. a paper mache sculpture you have been working on for weeks
5. yesterday’s newspaper
6. clean underwear
7. a stray kale leaf
8. spring onions (ideally 10-11 stalks)
9. leftover leather from your recent chair upholstery
I find myself in hot water, I think a couple of us are swimming here, in a mask shortage.
so I'm presenting some mask alternatives.
1. fresh slice of pane di casa
2. shaving cream (adds a nice smell)
3. an unwilling feline
4. a paper mache sculpture you have been working on for weeks
5. yesterday’s newspaper
6. clean underwear
7. a stray kale leaf
8. spring onions (ideally 10-11 stalks)
9. leftover leather from your recent chair upholstery
this has been a lesson in resourcefulness by Lili
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